Our Nu Image 7700 has been in use for a month or so. It shades the patio and windows when open, making it cooler for relaxing. As other reviewers found, the installation instructions could be a lot better. In fact, they are downright poor and thus attaching the aluminum awning hood was very frustrating. The metal arms are lightweight, and as other reviewers around the web have noted, it doesn’t handle gusts or sustained wind well. Unfortunately, the arms (the most vital part of the awning I am told) started to rust after only a month. We were told they are non rusting aluminum but apparently they are not. In the early evening, the sun drops below the set awning angle. We considered adjusting the pitch, but it’s not an easy task, nor one you want to do daily. It’s more of a once a season adjustment. It’s easier to retract the awning and put on sunglasses and a hat!